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Independence Day

At risk of sounding unpatriotic, a few thoughts intended quite to the contrary.

I note that politicians--incumbents and declared challengers both with equal fervor--are using the Independence Day holiday to honor the military and veterans (again). That makes 12 holidays acknowledging military service with today being somewhat bizarre (the Declaration of Independence was not a declaration of war). Still, 12:

Memorial Day

Independence Day

Veterans Day

Flag Day

Pearl Harbor Day

Gold Star Mothers Day


and each branch's founding/birth day.

Surely, we owe those who served and serving a great deal more than a calendar gives opportunity to repay.

Accordingly, I think our nation--and its military--would be honored most by diminishing our periodic acknowledgments and embracing a more steadfast and perpetual effort.

Let us follow the admonition of Donovan Campbell whose perspective was shaped by service commanding a platoon of US Marines in Ramadi (call sign: Joker One). Speaking to a large group of folks entrenched in the political process a few years ago, Lt. Campbell shared his platoon's heroic story in Iraq and coping challenges once home. He concluded by repeating for the audience his answer to the most common question he's asked.

"What's the best way to honor those in military service? Make sure this is still a country worth dying for."

Neither before or since hearing those words can I recall more explicit direction how to love my country.

Recommitted to do my small part, I yearn for liberty's bright light in the face of the considerable challenges remaining before America's fulfillment as the "shining city upon a hill."

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